Ancient Egypt: An Introduction by Salima Ikram

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The world of the past will not change whether or not one reads about it. But can the world of the future change if we read about the past? Perhaps yes. No archaeologist enters the profession with a fixed mindset, and every one of them has their own reason for wanting to join the field. Maybe when they were a child, s/he dug a hole in their backyard and found something. At the time, that child thought it was something precious. Little did they know, it was only a stone, but that child did not care about anything else until s/he continued to dig and found truly precious stones. That child is now an archaeologist who digs holes to find treasures for the world.

Ancient Egypt: An Introduction by Salima Ikram provides gives readers an overview of ancient Egyptian civilization. The book maps out the geography and provides an introduction about how ancient Egypt developed its belief system, along with its political system. The book talks about the religion, society, history, methodology, lives in different regions, and death in ancient Egypt. It also discusses the different social and economic classes and how they used to live.

In addition, the book contains multiple photographs of ancient Egypt’s various sites. The illustrations are lavish, making it an excellent choice for educating oneself on the introductory level about ancient Egypt. There are multiple other features for students, like a bibliography, glossary, and sources where the curious and inspired can seek further information about ancient Egypt.

The book brings to life every detail about Egypt. The mummies seem to dance on the pages. One can almost smell the potions they used to keep mummies in their pristine state.

The book mainly focuses on the history of ancient Egyptian civilization. There are nine chapters, each with detailed information about different aspects of the civilization. In this one volume, you will learn quite a bit. Furthermore, the language is friendly and straightforward.

You might be surprised to learn that, even though ancient Egyptian civilization is popular all around the world, there are very few introductory books. Salima Ikram’s book stands out as the best among several others because the author has gone the extra mile to include all the necessary information for students. The book seems best geared towards students, however, the graphs and colorful images could keep anyone interested. A reader will find themselves turning the pages until the end.

Many expert archaeologists suggest Ancient Egypt: An Introduction by Salima Ikram to their students. It is also a good book for those who are in the profession but who work in different areas. Archaeologists are generally curious about everything beneath the ground and can’t resist digging in. This book will not disappoint.

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